All the medals of Beijing 2008 Olympics
Publico (Madrid)
Graphic Chiqui Esteban
Published August 25th 2008
Software Illustrator
The information
Graphic with details of all the medals awarded at Beijing 2008 Olympics, published the day after the last day of competition. Medals by country, continent, day, person, GDP, population...
The design
The central piece shows the medals by continent, including every country with medal on each continent and highlighting the most important for our readers. The outer circle charts the total number, the inner the distribution by continent of golds, silvers and bronzes. The bottom shows the medal by geopolitical grousp (former USSR, European Union, Latin America), by disciplines (athletics, swimming, gymnastics, cycling). Just over it, the medals day by day. In the left, a tbale with all the medasl country by countruy, where we palce some individuals as if they were countries. Just below them, the best countries by GDP and population.