Breaking News | Chiqui Esteban, in english

Posts Tagged "Breaking News"

Check out all of the posts tagged with "Breaking News".

Earthquake in Lorca, 2011 Original graphic: Earthquake in Lorca In May 11th 2011, the village of Lorca (Murcia, Spain) registered two erthquakes. Despite they were not big earthquakes, Lorca suffered severe damages and there were at least ...

May, 12

The strength of Bildu, 2011 Updated version, breaking news during the night of the local elections of Spain : Results of local elections, Spain 2011: the strength of Bildu Version of a previous graphic: Where Bildu is strong ...

May, 12

Earthquake and tsunami in Japan, 2011 Original graphic: Earthquake and tsunami in Japan Breaking news infographic showing the epicentre of the earthquake that caused the tsunami of March, 2011. First version published 20 minutes after the new arrived to ...

Apr, 14

Unemployment explorer, 2009 (updated every trimester) Original graphic: Unemployment explorer Graphic showing unemployment data in Spain. Percentage, total, by regions, by age, by sex, evolution… From 2005 to 2011. Updated every trimester when new data is ...

Apr, 14

The way the spanish national soccer team play, 2010 Original graphic: The way the spanish national soccer team play Spain won the World Cup of soccer in 2010. Every single game, we published a chart with all the passes of the team ...

Apr, 14

Gaspar Llamazares is Bin Laden, 2010 Original graphic: The FBI uses a photo of Gaspar Llamazares to build Bin Laden’s face Gaspar Llamazares is the leader of the spanish left-winged party ‘Izquierda Unida’. A photo released by FBI with ...

Apr, 14

Analysis of the TV debate

PĂşblico, 2008 The two big candidates for the spanish presidency of the government starred a TV debate after many years avoiding it. We published this piece the day after the debate, with an analysis of ...

Apr, 13


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