Check out all of the posts tagged with "culture"., 2010 Original graphic: Map of the spanish indie music Underground map showing the different styles of indie music, with the principal bands and singers and some videoclips shooted by our video team. The map ..., 2010 Original graphic: How to differentiate a burka from a niqab We noticed that people uses to call burka to different muslim clothes that are not really burkas, so we created this game to ..., 2010 Original graphic: Lost island, season by season Map of the island of the TV series Lost, featuring the different places of the island with an antiospoilers button to show just the elements you ..., 2010 Original graphic: All about the Millennium saga An explanation, book by book and film by film, of the Millennium saga and its characters, places and relationships. You can use the anti-spoilers button to ..., 2009 Original graphic: How to behave legally in internet in Spain Interactive videotest on legal issues in internet in Spain. We propose different situations and the reader picks one. The infographic tells him if ...
Diario de Cadiz, 2006 Carnival is the biggest event of the year in Cádiz, and the Falla theater is the venue where all the carnival agrupations compete in the annual contest of ‘chirigotas’, ‘coros’, ‘comparsas’ ...
Diario de Cádiz, 2006 ‘Pasos’ are a Easter tradition in Cadiz. People carry figures of the saint on their shoulders and show them in the city. This infographic explaing how ‘cargadores’ (chargers) do the different ...