charts | Chiqui Esteban, in english

Posts Tagged "charts"

Check out all of the posts tagged with "charts".

The team with best honors… according to your own criteria, 2011 Original graphic: The team with best honors according to your own criteria Pick the value of each trophy that any spanish soccer team could win. According to that criteria, the infographic will depict ...

May, 13

Life of San Josemaría Escrivá (freelance project), 2011 Original graphic: Life of San Josemaría Escrivá Freelance project for the official website of the religious congregation Opus Dei linking the life to the message of its founder, San Josemaría Escrivá ...

Apr, 14

The spanish expenditures, 2009 (updated in 2010) Original graphic: The spanish expenditures An explanation of the evolutions and the parts of the spanish national budget. The colors show the groups of spendings: Social, Public Services, Economy, general ...

Apr, 14

The way the spanish national soccer team play, 2010 Original graphic: The way the spanish national soccer team play Spain won the World Cup of soccer in 2010. Every single game, we published a chart with all the passes of the team ...

Apr, 14

Causes of death in Spain, 2010 Original graphic: Causes of death in Spain A treemap showing all the reasons why spanish people died in 2008, with groups of causes (tumors, circulatory system, not natural causes…) and particular reasons. Each ...

Apr, 14

Spanish saving banks solvency, 2009 Original graphic: Spanish saving banks solvency. The size of the bubbles shows the capitalization of the saving bank, and they’re placed geographically. The color show the solvency and there’s lines linking the mergings ...

Apr, 13


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