business | Chiqui Esteban, in english

Posts Tagged "business"

Check out all of the posts tagged with "business".

Unemployment explorer, 2009 (updated every trimester) Original graphic: Unemployment explorer Graphic showing unemployment data in Spain. Percentage, total, by regions, by age, by sex, evolution… From 2005 to 2011. Updated every trimester when new data is ...

Apr, 14

The spanish expenditures, 2009 (updated in 2010) Original graphic: The spanish expenditures An explanation of the evolutions and the parts of the spanish national budget. The colors show the groups of spendings: Social, Public Services, Economy, general ...

Apr, 14

Spanish saving banks solvency, 2009 Original graphic: Spanish saving banks solvency. The size of the bubbles shows the capitalization of the saving bank, and they’re placed geographically. The color show the solvency and there’s lines linking the mergings ...

Apr, 13

One million of square meters for the cities

  La Voz de Galicia, 2003. Illustration for the frontpage of the business insert of the newspaper. Cities will have available 1 million of sq. meters for the uses they decide. They will have to ...

Apr, 12


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