architecture | Chiqui Esteban, in english

Posts Tagged "architecture"

Check out all of the posts tagged with "architecture".

All about the La Pepa bridge

Diario de Cadiz, 2007 Compilation of the infographics done about La Pepa bridge, a long desired bridge that will be built over the Cadiz bay, for the newspaper annuary magazine.

Apr, 12

How bridges are built

Diario de Cadiz, 2007. A new bridge were going to be built over the Cadiz Bay. We wanted to explain the citizens how will it be built and the differents words used in the construction, ...

Apr, 12

One of the big ones

Diario de Cadiz, 2007 Despite Cadiz is a 120,000 people city, the new bridge that will connect it with Puerto Real will be one of the longest in the world. To make people understand the ...

Apr, 12


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